King’s Coronation Coffee Morning

What a great morning we had celebrating the King’s Coronation. Coffee and cakes were flowing and the bar is now open all afternoon. Our Bromley Cross Crown was put to good use. God Save the King 👑. A big thank you to Vanda, who raised £100 on the Tombola stall for the roof fund 👑

Casino Party Night

We celebrated the 6th anniversary of opening as a community pub last night with a Casino Party Night. What a fabulous night it was, and everyone dressed for the occasion. We raised £550 for the “Roof Fund”. Congratulations to Louise and Marc who won a £50 voucher each for having the most chips at the end of the night. A big thank you to Paul for all his hard work arranging the event and thanks to Jenny for the amazing cake 🎊🍾🥂

Bromley Cross Conker Championship October 2022

It has been three years since our last Conker Championship, but it was well supported on Sunday 9th October.  Well done to Jenny and William who are our Bromley Cross Conker Champions for 2022.  There was tough competition from past champions, but they managed to come through it.  A big thanks to Paul for adjudicating in your usual fashion, even though we had controversial comments from Trevor 😜🏅

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We held a Macmillan Coffee Morning on 5th October and raised £311.80 for this amazing Charity by selling Cakes, the Tombola stall and selling Cards.  A big thank you you to the lady who was selling cards and donated £38 to the cause.  We had a wonderful selection of cakes and tombola prizes that were all donated.